TU Dublin Students' Union CLG

Here, you will find information about the Company behind your Students’ Union.

TU Dublin SU operations are run by a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG), which is owned by the Students of TU Dublin by virtue of their membership of the Union. The company does not involve itself with the Politics of the elected representatives of the Students' Union and instead is tasked with the operational functions of the Union (such as Financial Management and Human Resources). All of these functions are provided in order to support the work of the elected officer team of the Students' Union.

TU Dublin Students’ Union has interesting positions for students in TU Dublin SU CLG (the company behind TU Dublin Students’ Union). This is how a past Student Director of TU Dublin SU CLG, Jamie O'Neill, describes their experience on the Board:

"It's been a fascinating journey representing council on the board of directors for two terms, it's a whole other side to the running of the union that I've found really rewarding to get involved in. I've increased my understanding of governance, an area there are very few opportunities to get experience of so early in your professional journey. I'm glad to have contributed to the strategic direction of the organisation particularly with the voice of a current student which is so important to have in the room."

Please find more information about the student positions (Members and Directors) below.


Student Members of TU Dublin SU CLG 

The members of the CLG (not to be confused with the members of the SU) are elected by Student Council and attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company. An AGM is a meeting of members of a company at which the members can ask questions and get information about the company, and where the audited accounts are presented for adoption. In the event of an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), they will also be required to attend.

Who can be a member of TU Dublin SU CLG?

The members are the three Campus Vice Presidents of TU Dublin SU, the Postgraduate Officer of TU Dublin SU, the Independent Chair of TU Dublin SU CLG and six students. At least one student must be a student studying in Blanchardstown, at least one student must be a student studying in Tallaght and at least two students must be studying in City Campus. The remaining 2 positions can be appointed from any campus. Student Members must be registered students of TU Dublin for the duration of their term (1st July– 30th June).

What is the benefit of becoming a Student Member of TU Dublin SU CLG?

The members of TU Dublin SU CLG get to attend the Annual General Meeting and see how a company is run. They also get a chance to see insights to financial aspects of the SU. This role doesn’t take too much of your time because generally, the members of TU Dublin SU CLG attend one meeting a year (usually in March). Having said that, the role still looks very good on your CV and you get valuable experience for the future. You are also part of a very important role as a student making sure that the company is being run correctly. You don't need any experience from before (we will help you with everything) so this is a great way to learn too!

Who can become a Student Member of TU Dublin SU CLG?

Any registered student can nominate themself for the positions. 

Five students have been nominated as Student Members of TU Dublin SU CLG for 2023-2024 and have attended the Company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 26th March 2024. They approved the audited financial statements for year-end 30th June 2023, ensuring that students keep full oversight of the SU's spendings. 


Nominations for next academic year will open in September or October 2024, stay tuned! 


Student Directors of TU Dublin SU CLG  

Because of our status as a CLG, we are required to have a Board that consist of directors. A company director is someone appointed to manage and run the company on the behalf of the members. Directors have duties under both company law and the company’s constitution, and they meet around 8-10 times in an academic year. At the meetings, the Board of directors discuss and make decisions on the current issues about the operational side of the Students’ Union, and they also have committees who discuss the aspects of Finance, Audit and Risk; HR and Remuneration and Nominations of directors selected externally to the student body

Who can be a Director of TU Dublin SU CLG?

The directors of TU Dublin SU CLG are the five overall full-time elected officers, five external directors and four students appointed by Student Council. Student Directors are appointed by campus as follows: one from Blanchardstown, one from Tallaght and 2 from City Campus. Student Directors must be registered students of TU Dublin for the duration of their term (1st July– 30th June). All Student Directors for Academic year 2023-2024 have been elected. 

What is the benefit of becoming a Student Director of TU Dublin SU CLG?

The Directors of TU Dublin SU CLG get a unique chance to see how a company is run. They get to work with a team that has expertise on managing a company, and make important decisions on the operational side of the Union (e.g. recruitment and finances). Student Directors also receive a meeting fee of €50 – so these are paid positions. Student Director positions are a brilliant opportunity especially for students who are interested in how a company decision-making process works! Further, you do not have to have any prior experience about this as we (and the external members) will guide you throughout the year.

How can you become a Student Director of TU Dublin SU CLG?

The elections for the Academic Year 2024-2025 have been opened after the last Student Council Meeting of the year 2023-2024, on 16th April 2024. All four positions have been filled, ensuring that a majority of students composes the Board of directors. 


Find out ore information on the below topics on the webpage here.

What is a CLG?
Who are the faces of the CLG? 
What are the subcommittees of the Board? 
How does the Board work with Student Council?  


If you have any questions please contact our Representation Team at Representation@tudublinsu.ie.