


On this page ...

You will find company information here.

You will find a copy of TU Dublin Students' Union Constitution here.



TU Dublin Students’ Union is a democratic structure which acts in the best interests of its members. In order to achieve this a structure has been established which allows students be represented collectively at many levels within TU Dublin.

Who We Are


TU Dublin Students’ Union is the independent, democratic, voice of TU Dublin students. The Union itself, and its Constitution are formally recognised by the Governing Body of TU Dublin. If you’re a TU Dublin student - we represent you!

The TU Dublin Students’ Union is the largest SU in the country; with 28,500 students, we are the largest representative body for all students in the University. When you are a registered student, you automatically become a member of the Students’ Union. We are affiliated to USI (Union of Students in Ireland), which is the national representative body for students.

The Student Body

Every TU Dublin student automatically becomes a member of TU Dublin Students’ Union and can benefit from the representation, information and advice available from the Union to its members. Every student is entitled to vote for their on-site College Officer and for each of the Sabbatical Officer roles.


Class Reps

Every class group within DIT is entitled to vote for a Class REP. This REP then represents the views of their class within the Class REP structure. You can read more about this in the Class Rep section.

School Reps

Every School is represented by what is called a School Rep. School Reps are a direct link between the Class Reps in your school to the school itself. They are automatically members of the Student Council, and assist in electing Class Reps in their school

College Officers & PG Officer

College Officers are voted in on an annual basis. It is their role to run the Class REP Meetings, and College Fora on their site. From these meetings they can hear the views, opinions and issues from Class REP's and ordinary students, and ensure they are acted on. The Postgraduate Officer looks after the post graduates on a multi-site basis.

Sabbatical Officers

A sabbatical officer (sabbat) is a full-time officer who represents students at the highest levels in TU Dublin. They are students of TU Dublin that have been elected by students to represent them for a year. They are held to account by Student Council.

Executive Council

The Executive Council is made up of all of the full-time sabbats in the SU. They meet monthly to discuss issues brought up by students. 

Student Council

The Student Council is representative of the Student Body, and makes policy for the SU. They hold all SU officers to account. Each campus has Student Councillors that have been elected to represent them. You can find minutes and documentation associated with this years meetings here